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53 Point Checklist

I designed this e-book to help new people that are looking for a self-defense program to make the best choice possible. Since 1985 I've been teaching martial arts. For many years I had my own school in Portland Oregon. This guide gives you the best of what I learned so you can make the best choice possible when deciding on your program.

23 Mindsets

Without a good mindset you are due to fail from the beginning. This guide was designed for the new martial arts beginner to understand how to think as you train. This invaluable resource, will give you an edge above everybody else in the room or if you trained by yourself even better. Try it today there is a 30 day moneyback guarantee. You're not happy with what you got and the value of what you purchased, I'll gladly refund your money. I think you'll find it's Gold!

Yearly Black Belt Program

If you want the full immersion program, the black belt program is the ideal program. You will start out with the yellow belt level and every two months a new belt level will be released. That way you don't get overwhelmed. You will have access to this program in all belt levels over this year. If you decide to continue, after the first year, all of the modules will stay open and you can practice between any of them anytime you want. Click below to get your 14 day free trial. At the end of the trial you will be invoiced $97 for the entire year.

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